Author: NeedyMeds

How To Pay For Multiple Sclerosis Medications

Living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has its challenges, and medication cost is one of them. According to the National MS Society, the average annual treatment cost for MS is a staggering $35,000 per person –an amount that’s beyond the reach of most individuals. With several medications still under patent protections, it will be a while until the generic versions of these medications will be available. In the meantime, patients will have to use programs like manufacturer copay cards and patient assistance programs to afford their medications. Fortunately, NeedyMeds lists many of these programs on our website, and it’s easy to […]

Health Savings News – Episode 27: Patient Assistance Programs and Other Resources

Note: This is a rough transcript of episode 27 of Health Savings News and has been lightly edited for clarity. It may not be in its final form.   Evan (00:10): Hello and welcome to Health Savings News, the podcast about healthcare costs in America and how to save money on the often expensive care all kinds of people need. I’m your host Evan O’Connor, joined by retired doctors Rich Sagall and Mike Woods. Each episode we discuss healthcare costs in America, offer tips for saving money, and relevant news that affects and reflects the expensive landscape of healthcare in […]

Health Savings News – Episode 25: No Surprises Act

Note: This is a rough transcript of episode 25 of Health Savings News and has been lightly edited for clarity. It may not be in its final form. Evan (00:10): Hello and welcome to Health Savings News, the podcast about healthcare costs in America and how to save money on the often expensive care all kinds of people need. I’m your host, Evan O’Connor, joined by retired doctors Rich Sagall and Mike Woods.  How are you guys doing today?  Mike (00:24): Good.  Rich: Doing well.  Evan (00:25): Good to hear. Each episode we discuss healthcare costs in America, offer tips […]

The Sun – America’s Leading Cause of Cancer

by Mark A. Kelley, MD This blog that we are sharing for National Stay Out of the Sun Day originally appeared on HealthWebNavigator.   Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. Here are some facts: Over 3 million Americans are treated for skin cancer every year. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer during their lifetime.  Skin cancer is preventable and easy to detect.   When caught early, this cancer is usually curable.  Some types of skin cancer can be fatal.     Skin cancer is caused by sunlight damage to the skin. The only way to […]

Are the Health Risks of Smoking Reversible?

by Mark A. Kelley This blog originally appeared on HealthWeb Navigator. As a lung specialist, I am often asked whether the body can recover from many years of smoking. Based on decades of research, the answer is a resounding “Yes” … but only if you quit smoking — completely.   What Are The Risks of Smoking? Cigarette smoking kills over 480,000 Americans each year — more than the combined deaths from alcohol, illegal drug use, homicide, suicide, car accidents, and AIDS combined. Cancer – Before cigarette smoking became widespread in the twentieth century, lung cancer was a rare disease. However, […]

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About Us

Welcome to the NeedyMeds Voice! We look forward to presenting you with timely, provocative pieces on healthcare reform, patient advocacy, medication and healthcare access, and other health-related news. Our goals are to educate, enlighten, and elucidate; together, we will try to make sense of the myriad and ongoing healthcare-related changes in the U.S. today.