by Rich Sagall, MD You have an appointment to see your doctor about a health issue. It may be a new problem, a chronic issue, or an acute illness. No matter the reason, you are ready for a 10-minute visit filled with quick questions, a prescription or two, and some instructions. If you are lucky, some of your questions will be answered and you may remember a portion of what your doctor tells you. It doesn’t have to be this way. There are steps you can take to have a more satisfying and productive visit. You may not be able […]
Tag: Patient Privacy
New Tool, Approach for Consumers to Find Lower-priced Healthcare
There are a lot of people concerned about their healthcare costs in the U.S. I’m certainly one of them. My family gets hit unexpectedly like any other, and we have our own recurring medical bills to deal with. Since I realized a few years ago that I could save upwards of one to two thousand dollars a year in medical expenses, I’ve made a habit of reviewing my medical bills much more closely. This can take hours upon hours on the phone and researching of medical codes and jargon—far from a simple process. But what can you end up saving […]
Do You E-mail Your Doctor?
Just about everyone seems to be online these days. Communication with family and friends via email and social media outlets including Facebook and Twitter, as well as texting appear to be replacing telephone calls and letter writing. We wonder what we may be losing in this shift: is our privacy being compromised? Are these news methods of communicating enhancing the depth of our interactions, or are they just surface? And what happens with our medical care? Do you email your doctor? Would you want to? In late November, a new survey revealed that patients want digital engagement with their healthcare […]