Introducing HealthWeb Navigator

Last Updated on February 6, 2020

This blog originally appeared on HealthWeb Navigator, a new site by NeedyMeds.  It has reviews of health-related websites to help you find the best, most medically reliable information. You can see the beta version of HealthWeb Navigator at


post-thumbWhat is HealthWeb Navigator and How Does It Work?


HealthWeb Navigator (HWN) directs you to health care websites that provide up-to-date and clear information. HWN resembles a guidebook that recommends the best places to visit on the Web.


Our staff constantly searches the Internet to find health care websites that appear useful to consumers. Our external review panel then evaluates any promising websites. These unpaid volunteers have backgrounds in health care, business, education, consumerism and patient advocacy.


Each website is scored by several reviewers on content, readability, usability and design. Based on this evaluation, the website is assigned a final rating of one to five stars.

Websites listed in HWN are constantly evaluated for content and maintenance of quality. Our search for new websites is a continuous process. Promising websites are reviewed quarterly.

The websites are listed under Topics that represent major categories of health information. Each topic has Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to provide background.

The Search function uses keywords to find topics; subtopics; or the names and/or descriptions of websites listed on HWN. Each listed website has a brief description, a grade with reviewer comments and a hyperlink to the website content.


HWN is a free, non-profit service funded by grants, donations and significant effort from volunteers. Our goal is to help consumers become more informed about health care. However, we have no responsibility for any website’s content, including medical advice. You should discuss any medical issues with your health care provider.

We welcome your feedback and inquiries. For general issues and comments, please contact us at If you have questions about website content, or find any errors, contact Our team will do its best to address the problem.


Please note that HealthWeb Navigator is currently in beta and it may change for its full launch. Notify the email addresses above if you encounter any bugs or other issues while using the site, and feel free to take the survey linked at the top of the HealthWeb Navigator home page to give further input on the site.

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